Transform Self-Doubt into Unshakeable Confidence: Unlock Your True Potential and Thrive in Life and Business

Meet Self Worth Sam

Do you want to experience...

  • Increased Self-Worth and Confidence

  • Emotional Healing and Mental Clarity

  • Enhanced Personal and Professional Growth

Does this sound like you?


You feel self-resentment, harbouring deep-seated anger, frustration, or bitterness toward yourself. Maybe you compare yourself negatively to others, fueling self-criticism and reinforcing a belief that you are not as capable or deserving as those around you.


You often question your value and competence, a common feeling among those with low self-worth. Perhaps after a social interaction, you replay conversations, doubting your contribution and social skills.


You have a critical voice in your head that frequently judges and berates your actions, decisions, or perceived shortcomings, constantly undermining your self-confidence and fostering feelings of inadequacy. For example, after making a mistake at work, the voice amplifies, making you doubt your abilities even further.

My clients were having the same problems until now...

"I have worked with many coaches in the past, many of them for two years or longer. Sam is a very talented and skilled coach and was able to accomplish in 12 sessions what other coaches couldn't in 2 years. I highly recommend working with Sam. It will change your life in ways you can't even imagine. One of the best investments I have ever made! Thank you, Sam!"

Evelyn Mighty, USA

"I had a limiting belief I had been carrying for many years. I felt this was a hinderance in my life. I am amazed that in such a short time period my mind literally changed how it saw situations and ideas. I couldn't even understand how it was possible I felt so different and empowered by this new thought process. I wondered if it was temporary, and would the feeling wear off and it has not in any way. Actually, the opposite, I feel like it's a new superpower I have gained. I would highly recommend anyone struggling with any limiting thoughts to work with Sam!

Holly May, USA

About Self Worth Sam

Self Worth Sam is a skilled Demartini Method Facilitator, expertly trained by Dr. John Demartini, a global leader in human behaviour and psychology. Sam excels in guiding professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders to unlock their true worth and thrive in life and business.

Sam's coaching program will help you breakthrough your biggest limitations so you can fast-track your personal and professional growth.

Ask yourself questions to Sam via video conference before making a decision on this coaching program.

A life-changing journey designed to empower you with unwavering self-worth, confidence, and self-acceptance. Sam's 12-Week Self-Worth Transformation Coaching Program combines expert guidance with the transformative power of the Demartini Method to dissolve emotional pain so you can experience a self worth transformation.

  • A profound and intimate healing journey

  • Available worldwide via video conference

  • The most meaningful investment you'll ever make in yourself

Outcomes from working with Sam

  • Increased self-worth and confidence

  • Clarity on personal and professional goals

  • Relief from guilt, shame, and negative emotions

  • New perspectives on past experiences and challenges

  • Breakthroughs in overcoming mental blocks and limiting beliefs

  • Improved ability to handle stress and anxiety

  • Greater self-acceptance and self-love

  • Enhanced motivation and ability to take action

  • Resolution of long-standing emotional issues

  • Improved relationships and communication skills

  • Increased energy and overall mood

  • Better work-life balance

  • Overcoming imposter syndrome

  • Neutralizing negative thought patterns

  • Finding purpose and direction in life/career

Programs & Fees

All appointments are via Zoom and are approximately 90 minutes in duration

12-Week Program

  • 1 appointment each week for 12 weeks

  • $9000

One Month Program

  • 1 appointment each week for a month

  • $3500

One Appointment

  • 1 appointment

  • $1000

"I've had the good fortune to work with Sam on two extremely important, yet diverse life issues. One was a relationship issue with a family member that was causing me great heartache. A single session with Sam had me reach feelings of "balance" and peace with both this person and with the situation. It's many weeks later and those feelings have endured. The next challenge was a lifelong issue of self-worth that has kept me from achieving what I know I can. Sam helped me to get further than I'd imagined. The progress I've made is leaps and bounds beyond what any therapy or coaching could do. Sam's work is transformative!"

Corrine Westphal

Editor and Writer, France

"Even after seventy circumnavigations of the sun, fifty years of working (45 of those running my own businesses), having attained University qualifications, sat at the feet of gurus on a multiplicity of subjects from spirituality to economics, ethics to ecology, to health and nutrition, there can still be days when I struggle to find my mojo with waves of self-doubt washing over me. Impostor syndrome is like an unpredictable black cloud that can strike without warning. One session with Sam cleared more black clouds than anything I have ever previously experienced. Highly recommend ... give Sam a call."

Graham Harvey

Speaker & Business Coach, Australia

"I recently worked with Self Worth Sam and it was nothing short of transformational for me. I was able to release the negative emotion attached to an episode in my life that took place nearly a decade ago. The speed and precision with which he was able to guide me to pinpoint both the issue and my emotion attached to that issue was remarkable and the immediate sense of release and freedom has been nothing short of phenomenal. I highly recommend Sam as both a practitioner and guide as well as the method he employs."

Tara Saxon

Business Owner, Australia

"This session with Sam was unlike anything I had done before. When he told me I would leave the session loving a part of me that I really disliked, I was a bit skeptical. But it was very eye-opening and moving, and this session had me see what I thought were negative qualities in such a new light. I was able to love and appreciate things that I had been resenting within myself for years. Sam is super personable and easy to connect with so it made talking about deeper topics quite easy. I highly recommend this session!"

Nicole Thompson

University Professor, Canada

Are You Ready to Dissolve Self-Doubt and Unlock Your Full Potential in Work and Life?

Book a 15 minute free call with Sam and find out if this course is for you.

40 More Client Endorsements

"My session with Sam was truly mind-blowing. I had never heard of the Demartini Method, and after years of talk therapy, somatic therapy and plant medicine work, I was ready to try something new. And let me tell you: it WORKS! Show up with an open heart and Sam will use this simple and very specific method to take you deep inside, finding the pieces of yourself that truly need reconciliation in order for you to move forward on your life's path." 

Laura Chirinos

Producer, Actor & Director, Los Angeles

“Just wow! I was pleasantly surprised to learn how I was holding certain perspectives about my journey in life and how it was physically affecting me. At key points in session with Sam the ongoing painful neck tension melted away and I noticed ease of movement again. It was remarkable how Sam distilled the problem and hit the lynch pin of what was holding me in cycles of immobility in my life and business ! Forever grateful for his work!“

Darcy Corcoran

US Army Veteran, Tampa, Florida

"Sam, thank you just doesn't seem enough. I wanted to take a bit of time to be sure the effects of your help didn't fade away. I am so happy to say it did not fade away... I wish I would have done this with you sooner...🙂Yes your help is "Life Changing" and it lasts... I continue to understand, and grow from what I gained from our session... Sam the way you are able to focus, and help me focus on whats important to get through this is incredible... Oh my goodness and the way you narrow in on what the issue is that I wasn't even aware was an issue. So that I could move through and past it in such a short amount of time was Amazing!Ive been struggling for years with my issues. I knew there was some reason I couldn't get these things done. I am now able to get the things done that I wasn't able to complete before. That is Huge! Its like you've given me my past successful life back! I am Eternally Grateful for what you've done for me🎉🙂 and the ripple effect your having out in the world, to help bring us to a better World with more Peace, Health, and Happiness🌍🙂 Thank you again Sam for all the Good you do, individually and all over the World." 

Sandy Boyak

Special Needs Specialist, San Diego, USA

"Before my session with Sam I was severely struggling with a lot of things - self worth is one of them. During the session, I experienced a flood of emotions that were connected to my decisions which I couldn't understand the reason for. I came away from the session with a way to see the reason behind those actions and the self worth to progress in my journey of change for self betterment to be a better me."

Rex Furnell-Hall, Australia

"I carried some guilts and shames, which disempowered me from moving forward with my transformational coaching mission. By using the Demartini Method, Sam has helped to neutralise my negative emotion and appreciate those parts' contribution to my highest values. Throughout the entire session, I love the fact he helped me to connect with my vision, which energises me from within and seeing what I am doing is serving me in fulfilling my mission. Sam's coaching style is direct, on point, and powerful.  I can see Sam's dedication to showing up and bringing outstanding values to his clients, which inspires me to go out there and fulfil my mission in life. I appreciate you, Sam." 

Anna Ngan Tran

Masterful Transformational Coach, Vietnam

"Thank you so much for our session, Sam. I have ditched the shame and embarrassment I felt feeling stuck in my business. Your session has helped me understand why it was happening and more importantly released it. I feel like a weight off my shoulders. I’m now achieving things effortlessly. Thank you Sam!"

Nicole Turnball

Transformation Coach, Australia

"Sam cuts through the b.s. and gets to the core of you very quickly. If you are open to transformation, Sam can be your trusted guide. I highly recommend his services!"

Lynn Dudley

Maryland, USA

This was a beautiful experience. I have been working on my own healing for about 8years. I've made some decent headway but I was stuck dealing with a trapped emotion I couldn't even name.Sam helped guide me to identifying it AND seeing the whole issue from a new perspective, one that genuinely aligned with my own values.I feel such appreciation, respect and love for myself again in a way I haven't in YEARS. It's nice to finally not feel "broken" or be plagued with trying to "fix" myself.I definitely recommend a session with Sam. I'll even give some tips from my experience - be open, be honest and be willing to be humbled by your own self. Thanks Sam."

Seiyuh Sevrey

Life Coach, USA

"Sam’s unique approach to reframing the self-loathing mental loop I was experiencing took me by surprise . I didn’t know what to expect, but I never would have believed him if he had told me before our session that afterwards I would feel differently about a very sticky issue for me. What I once perceived as self-sabotage I now understand to be my way of finding myself again and loving myself. Perception is everything, and I’m grateful to Sam for helping me with this negative mental loop around self-sabotage and for this very valuable reframe. Thank you, Sam!"

Monica K


"I was fortunate to have a session with Self Worth Sam today. He helped me work through something that has been challenging me for a while. In the beginning of the session, I was unsure exactly what was causing the issue for me. By the end of our session, I felt calm and relaxed, and I had greater clarity about what had been going on and what I need to do next.He helped me sift through the facts, the reality and the mess to see my perceptions of myself and find a place where I felt energetically free. Thank you, Sam, for helping me get clarity."

Liz Murray

Leadership Coach

"I went into the session feeling frustrated and stuck with some areas of my life where I was very indecisive. I was surprised how moving the session was and how much was brought up for me. As we traveled through some of my memories, Sam helped me shift my perspective. The emotional burden was lifted as I began to see more balance and neutrality to my habit of indecision. It became clear to me that there didn't have to be such strong feelings or moral weight behind the impact of my indecision on myself or others. In the days since my session I've been appreciating feeling lighter and freed from guilt. I'm really grateful to Sam for helping me gain a new perspective and for bringing more peace to my life!"

Bronwyn Beth

Professional Violinist, USA

"I first met Sam when he started talking about imposter syndrome in his live and I started thinking how it was related to what I was feeling. So i jumped on a call with Sam to hear more about why I was feeling the way I did and if he was able to help me.Although I've been in the beauty industry for well over 18yrs and have been a beauty trainer for 8yrs but I've always felt I lacked something. And especially ever since starting my online business the feeling of limiting beliefs and "I don't know enough" kind of thing crept over me even more.Sam helped me through these thoughts and the reasons behind these feelings I was feeling. And through the appointment he was able to help me discover my worth and resolve unsettled feelings. Thanks Sam for a great session. You have helped me believe in myself again and I am capable of great things.  I cant wait to further my career now.I highly recommend booking an appointment with Sam and resolve issues that is stopping anyone from achieving your goal. It was a game changer! Thank you Sam!"

Anna Nguyen

Manager & Beauty Trainer, Melbourne, Australia

"I had my session with Samuel last night, and I am still amazed of what happened in that hour. Samuel was able to make me realize that the guilt I carried for a situation was not what I thought it was. I saw the one side but there was another positive side. He will ask the questions to help you dig deep within yourself to find the answers.  I would say I don’t know, he would say yes you do, His prompting helped me bring to the surface and release what had me blocked mentally with fulfilling what I want to do with my life and never can accomplish.  I feel like there was a very heavy burden lifted off my shoulders. I saw things in a different prospective, not just the negative side. He speaks of balance and that is what I didn’t see. He is fantastic in getting you to realize things for yourself. At the end I had an “Aha” moment that I never would have realized on my own. Thank you Samuel.”

Nayda R


"I have had one session with Sam so far, and I couldn’t have been more surprised. After our initial introductions, he could see that I was being a little hyper, walking around a little frantically, as I tend to do. He asked if I could sit down in a comfy chair and to make sure I had some tissues. I thought, “why do I need tissues?” to myself. Well… within a short while, I was crying pretty hard because of the things he asked me about. He broke it down into moments of intense reflection of events that have traumatized me throughout my life. We did not move on until we had explored everything about each event and brought some closure to them, working our way through the various events that really stood out as a root source of trauma, pain, sleeplessness, and anxiety. By the end of almost two hours, I felt drained, but much, much lighter. I found his methods to be absolutely fascinating and freeing. I highly recommend this form of counseling to all who are suffering."

Jenny Wolf

Lawyer, USA

"I was feeling very overwhelmed and overworked with a lot of demanding client expectations. During my session with Sam, he changed my thinking and mindset and BAM!!! I felt valued and felt confident in dealing with conflicting priorities. A sense of calm was experienced after the session and I would highly recommend Sam to anyone who needs justification that they are worthy."

Ann Gordon

International Tax Agent, Australia

"I've tried all sorts of modalities and this one was like having a ninja expert surgeon precisely remove a thorn from my soul.  Under Sam's loving and gentle guidance I could feel my being release and become expansive and filled with ease. I didn't know what I didn't know.  I didn't know I could feel this peaceful. I'll be forever grateful. Thank you, Sam."  

Vibeke Seymour


"I had quite a lot of anxiety around a few issues with work, life and not being balanced. Sam and I looked at 3 key areas around myself and what’s holding me in a freezer response.When we identified what the key areas were, we dove into each. This allowed me to see both negative and positive side of specific scenarios in from my past. I tended to want to always look at the good or look at the bad depending on what was highlighted, but Sam guided me to identify how in each scenario, both are active and how it’s my focus that drove what I focussed on.During the session, I started to feel more at ease and able let go of what was had a hold on me, seeing both the good and the bad simultaneously. After the session with Sam, I could see what my core area was about holistically. I look forward to unlocking that even more and looking at it together.This is definitely worth doing if you are feeling stuck and unsure with what is going on with your life. With Sam, you will be able to unpack it and see the whole picture and gain clarity."

Lisa Kazakoff

Registered Nurse, Australia

"Sam was a master at keeping me on task to delve into my past negative beliefs as a child to help me see how those negative beliefs were impacting me today as an adult.I gained considerable insight and clarity as a result of working with Sam using the Demartini Method. I can recommend him and the Demartini Method to others who are looking for insight and clarity to help take their business, career, and personal life to the next level. Thank you Sam."

Vernon Webb

Managing Director, Los Angeles

"I wanted to thank-you very much for such an enlightening, affirming and enjoyable coaching session. I needed help and clarity around my business niche, message and marketing direction - you came up with a lot of practical, insightful and helpful suggestions. Thank you for helping me find greater clarity, for suggesting a number of brilliant, creative and innovative ideas, and for finally dissolving a good part of my imposter syndrome! I felt as if I made a lot of headway in my business and personal goals today. I highly recommend Sam's services!"

Wendy De Munari

Professional Speaker, Author and Course Creator

Townsville, Australia

“Sam is a healer. When a friend recommended Self Worth Sam, I thought I would give him a try. His technique is like nothing I’ve ever heard of before. I have been receiving healing for a long time now and there were a couple issues I just couldn’t break through and get resolved.Sam has changed my life completely! During my first appointment, I had one revelation after another and my eyes were opened to a whole other level! I still can’t believe the breakthroughs that I had! I feel more powerful, I feel enlightened and like I grew so much! I feel like a whole new person and after the second appointment I was a new person!During my second appointment, the issue I wanted healing with was the worst and the hardest I’ve had my whole life and nothing was changing with that, no matter how much healing I had. I thought using the Demartini Method (which Sam used in my first session) wasn’t gonna work, there’s no way that it was going to help me. I could not have been more wrong! It was so eye-opening and healing, and so much deeper than that! It was profound and I’m still trying to wrap my head around how amazing it was, how in one session he changed and healed a lifetime of a deep emotional and mental problem!I highly, highly recommend setting an appointment with Self Worth Sam. You will not be sorry that you did! Sam I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me, It means more than I can express! I look forward to our next session.”

Krystal Strauss

Pennsylvania, USA

"I had been holding on to what I thought were my failures as a Dad and as a partner. Spending time with Sam and going through the process of the Demartini Method has helped me let go of the belief that I had held, and to shift my paradigm and see things from other perspectives. Thank you, Sam!"

Simon Marriott


"After the second scheduled appointment with Sam his guiding words lead me to an opening of sorts, a space/place of uneasiness. Sam’s complete, compassionate, and unabashed support, made me feel acknowledged, and led to an opening to myself. Sam assisted me through some major blocked areas of my own perception. Sam helped me to synchronize two very opposite parts of myself.Self love and acceptance is tough, and Sam encouraged me - no matter what I said. In this session “I got it,” he brought me to a place of understanding what it actually meant to love and accept myself. Seeing and sensing with a large degree of certainty the openings in my mind and the “magic” of my humanity and of life!Sam showed me how my perception of ‘worthlessness’ was leading and guiding me towards my own abundance, and seeing and feeling the deeper truth of my self love, self honor, and self respect.The very next day (after our session), I was notified by my workplace’s owner requesting I gain more training so that I may be more involved with the community facility! A pathway to further my heart's passion, and dearest to where my spirit has been trying to lead.I am viewing life differently already, feeling powerful knowing all these often perceived depressing and heartbreaking moments about life are in actuality leading to the fulfillment of my purpose.I am so grateful to have been offered this opportunity to experience this new and beautiful window view of clarity!"

Bethann Ousely

Movement & Fitness Instructor, USA

"I’ve been interested in Sam’s work on Imposter Syndrome and Self Worth, so I decided to schedule a session. Sam was clear about what the session entailed and his explanation was concise about the Demartini Method.During the session, I was asked about my three core values and three issues I’ve been facing in my work as a teacher and independent musician. The work in the session centered around cynicism and how it affects my relationships and professional judgment.During the session, Sam’s technique made me reckon with a part of myself that I had come to see as negative and detrimental to my mental health. By walking through scenarios that I self identified, Sam made me realize that some of my identified tendencies were in fact helpful and parts of myself that I could embrace, love about myself, and that they served to benefit others.I would recommend Sam to other professionals seeking help with their professional/interpersonal problems. 5 stars."

Alex Milledge

Teacher & Musician, Los Angeles

"I really enjoyed the Demartini Method that Sam lead me through. I liked that it wasn't intrusive, i.e. I didn't have to talk through all the story behind my issues. The questions he asked were leading me to find the answers myself. I felt very comfortable with Sam and he was very professional.I think these sessions are definitely worth it if there is a long-term issue that you'd like to get over. Trust me you'll feel better afterwards! Just do it ☺️"

Claudia Cyran


Cairns, Australia

"Self Worth Sam actionably challenged self-imposed blockades to my optimism and success. As a Christian, God encourages me to focus while walking in faith as a leader, and Self Worth Sam has respected my religion (and further encouraged my belief).After our sessions, my automatic responses with colleagues exude confidence, affirm my faith and clear me of judgments."Self Worth Sam positively impacted my trajectory. I am elated to have met with him surrounding the release of emotional blockages.Prior to our session, I was disheartened by the humans around me. During our session, I realized I held latent judgements that were projections and blockades to connection. Self Worth Sam has helped me to release anxious judgment and to instead live openly."Self Worth Sam is focused and transformative."



"I didn't know what to expect but I am glad I went through The Demartini Method process with Sam. Not only was Sam able to identify and guide me through specific areas hindering me from being effective in my daily routine  but he was also able to help me discover the balance and benefits from the things I perceived as negatives. Sam's ability to listen, understand and help you unearth buried memories is exceptional.  I am in favor of taking this method again and I highly recommend working with Sam."

Stephen Ward 

Motivational Speaker/Author

New Jersey, USA

"Before my appointment with Sam, I felt helpless and almost completely consumed by a personal issue that has had me mentally struggling since November of 2020.This issue of mine revolved around a 2 year infatuation with a certain actor who showed their true colors in a hurtful social media post. I felt heartbroken and lost. Before my session, I came up with ways to cope with this issue alone…but I knew that I needed more than just coping, I needed professional help. That’s when I spoke with Sam. He listened to what I had to say and gave me so much insight on how to come to terms and even overcome my issue.During my one-on-one appointment with Sam, he questioned me on why I was infatuated with this actor in the first place, asking what type of qualities (physical and behavioral) I found most appealing about the actor. I was then asked to reflect on memories of when I myself experienced these same qualities. I was able to analyze my own thought process in ways that I’ve never done so before, and that was all thanks to Sam.After the appointment, I experienced a supreme level of clarity, along with a deeper understanding and realization for why I was infatuated with the actor for so long. Sam really helped me focus more on the overall positives of my mental journey with this obsession, and told me that my ability to uphold a deep passion for something is a powerful tool that could be used for a common good."

Mayte Hoxsie

College Student, Burbank, USA

My session with Sam allowed me to see and process negative's in my life; then understand that these negatives actually allowed me to learn and grow! I learnt past situations gave me the opportunities to develop a stronger mindset and critical thinking.I no longer see negatives from these thoughts but vital learning. I am at peace with my past now. My mind used to be my greatest enemy... I am now calmer about my future endeavors, I don't feel so rushed... I feel I am able to be more realistic. Relieving the constant pressure I put on myself! I am mentally vitalised. Thank you Sam, for this new and improved outlook on life!"

Daniele Farmer

Designer, Australia

"I was not a public speaker when I became president of my Rotary club which required weekly presentations, overseeing board meetings and community speeches. Completely overwhelmed and nervous I turned to Sam for direction.With our first consultation I knew everything was going to be OK. Samuel worked with me until I felt 100% comfortable, confident and ready. He provided calming techniques and ideas for making my presentations engaging. In addition, he pointed out technical aspects such as slide presentations and other ideas to inspire my audience.If you are new to speaking or want to improve your current speaking, I give Sam my highest recommendation. Thank you so much Samuel!"

Pamela Kratochvil

President Rotary Club of Pacific Palisades
Los Angeles, California

"I just loved the way Sam, in true Demartini style, led me through this session to achieve great clarity over my old issue of distractions! The benefit of this session has been the realisation of just how long this old pattern of behaviour had limited my progress. I look forward to the benefits that will now flow as I focus on what I already know! No more additional research is needed. I'm booking in for a follow up session with Sam to gain even more confidence and clarity."

Geraldine Gallagher

Kinesiologist, Australia

"I went into the Demartini method with Sam curious and hopeful. I wanted to get rid of some emotional baggage which has been bugging me for some time. I was not disappointed. Sam's guidance was very professional. I am feeling lighter and more free. Thanks so much Sam. It was very worthwhile and I believe your service will be of great benefit to many others."

Fiona Hill, Artist

Melbourne, Australia

"Every session I have with Sam, I leave feeling ready to take on a whole universe of new endeavours. I feel stronger, wiser, more confident and totally comfortable with whatever it is I am trying to achieve in my life. He has an incredible talent for bringing you to the edge of your own monumental discoveries while instilling in you the confidence to fly over the mountains of your achievements! Sam has played a gigantic part in my career and life in general as my coach and I cannot recommend him highly enough! He is worth his weight in gold!"

Kate Atkinson


Perth, Australia

"I was not sure what to expect, but I had trust in Sam to guide me through the session. I was a little hesitant because I am not always comfortable about opening up about myself, but Sam reassured me it was not at all like a counseling session and he was there to guide me through this exercise.It did force me a little out of my comfort zone to understand, consider and recollect past behaviours and memories, but I pushed through to the end and I was able to understand the reasons for the exercise we were doing.It did help me reflect on my self and I do feel like I have a better understanding of my self and grown from it. Thank you Sam for your time (and patience!) during this session."

Amanda Rahim

Events & Training Specialist, Australia

You held space for me like a champ, pulled me up when I gave a half hearted 'I love you' which ultimately helped me shine and be at peace with something about myself I wasn't completely in love with. I feel at peace and in love with all my parts. The duality thinning the boundary between dark and light in my minds eye.Ultimately I broke free from a restrictive reality of myself which has brought about a wonderful sense of peace and internal strength in days following our session. Thank you Sam."

Sarah Wade

Art Therapist

Perth, Australia

"I worked with Sam after a traumatic spine and brain injury had shattered my self-confidence and sense of self. Needing a wheelchair when I went out and suddenly incapable of most of the activities that for a lifetime had been deeply intertwined with my self-image. Such as hiking, tree planting and running.Sam helped me understand why I felt so deeply uncomfortable with this new role this illness had forced me in to, of having to ask for help from others.Sam is an inspirational person. Listening intently and offering practical advice which I could ensure I put into practice into every day small actions, for long-term healing.His background and training ensures Sam has a very comprehensive understanding of the human psyche and it helped me to know that the reason I felt certain ways about things did not mean there was something wrong with me, but was instead a natural reaction to the human condition.Sam really helped me find a way back to myself at a time that I needed it most. After working with him, I now feel that even a life with pain and chronic illness was not just an existence as I had thought it would be, but very valuable."

Amelia Woodruff


Glasgow, Scotland

"My consultation with Sam went beyond my expectations! Sam has a knack for asking the right questions. He gently leads you to so many personal answers and revelations. Now I feel like I can take on the world!”

Catherine Kaufman

Language Specialist

New York, USA

"From Sam's session I was able to see what I had thought to be a very negative situation from more than one perspective which gave me more insight and objectivity. The process has allowed me to think differently, find more strategies for greater success and learn to value what a negative situation can give."

Sally Foley-Lewis

Professional Speaker, Trainer & Author

Brisbane, Australia

"Sam has really inspired me to take a leap of faith on my path. I had been overly concerned about where to begin, with a seemingly infinite number of directions I could go. It has been at times, quite overwhelming, to say the least. Sams positive and relaxed outlook on life, combined with his compassion and encouragement, really created a powerfully transformative experience. All of the concerns and doubts that I had been focusing on prior to working with Sam, we laughed into the distance by the good energy that Sam brings to the table. I feel inspired to begin taking action on my path and more than ever. It has really helped to know and feel understood by Sam, because he has been where I am, so the encouragement and support he offered has been very easily taken on board, and inspired self-belief in myself because he has genuinely experienced what I am going through, and it is not just words, as others have offered."

Shane Barnes


Melbourne, Australia

"I’d not heard of the Demartini Method before meeting Sam. This method brought a whole new meaning to inner thoughts and personal perceptions. For years, I’ve turned to therapeutic and cognitive counseling. Once our session began, I initially struggled to understand these deeper ways of thought, but after an hour, it appeared and was there.Sam guides you in ways that encourages you to push further than one sometimes likes to go. There were ah-ha moments that touched a place of clarity specifically to a personal struggle.Since that single session I must exclaim my mind is perceiving my weakness differently. Thank you Sam! A must experience method!"

Bethann Ousely

Movement & Fitness Instructor


"I decided to try a Demartini Method clearing with Sam to explore my aversion to activity & exercise. Give me a computer, desk and chair and I am happy! Happy but feeling guilty about being sedentary. The session was an interesting step into my past, examining active and inactive times and reactions to those, until the value of ‘no activity’ started matching that of ‘activity’ in my brain. Interesting!A couple days after the session, I find I am more neutral about exercise, and that it is easier to engage in different forms of it – without blame, shame, worry, etc. I am starting to be more active without thought. As an added bonus, I also have noticed a nice increase in my overall energy level and mood about life in general. I definitely would recommend having a session with Sam!"

Carole Conlon

Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

"I had a session with Sam the other day. Before my session I was angry to the point of not being able to even hear my sister's name without getting a tight chest and an angry tone on me. Throughout the session with Sam I was able to start seeing the healing process that my sister helps me with. Though it may be difficult to see it in the moment, I can look back now and see how her actions have been hidden positives for me. To help me see that I myself, have, in the past used the same level to try and help heal my sister also and how I've done it with other also. As one negative will always have a positive outcome, even if we are unable to see it in the moment.Since my session with Sam, I have found myself looking back on other scenarios in my life , that I look upon in anger and see what positives may of come from them. And also looking back to see when I may of used the same 'negative' level, towards someone else in order to get my point across. This has helped me see a couple of situations in which I was angry, now I can see another way of looking at it for both parties involved."

Tahila Edghill, Australia

Isn't it Time You Ditched Self-Doubt and Embraced Your Full Potential in Work and Life?

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